top 5 expensive spices

The Top Five World’s Most Expensive Spices

Saffron is definitely the most expensive spice all over the world. Why this is the most expensive spice and how rare is it? What other spices come in next levels? Here, you can see a list of five most expensive spices and briefly explained each:


Saffron is the most valuable spice in the world with multiple health benefits. Saffron spice is used in different Iranian recipes for its incredible taste and aroma. In recent years, other countries started to use saffron powder or even strand for better food taste and dressing. The following lines explain why saffron crocus is expensive?

Why is saffron so expensive?

saffron flower

Many have asked us why saffron is the most expensive spice. Several reasons contribute to the high price of saffron. The main reason is that producing saffron involves much labor-intensive work. More importantly, it brings many nutritional and health benefits. Most of the process is done by hand, from cultivation to harvesting, and stripping. In the cultivation process, the workers plant corms delicately by hand. The harvesting is also done by hand and requires lots of workforces. In addition to that, stripping, drying and packaging are also done by hand, as the saffron flowers should be treated delicately.

Secondly, not every climate condition is suitable for planting saffron. It needs special cultivation and field requirements. Every flower only grows three strands, and it takes lots of flowers to produce one gram of saffron. Therefore, to make it a profitable business, hectares of fields should be under cultivation.

One of the main reasons for the high price of saffron is that only 1 gram of saffron will be produced of 80-100 grams of flower.

Another reason is that the saffron flower only grows in special climate situations. In Iran, for example, Khorasan province has the best climate condition to grow top-quality saffron. Other provinces grow saffron with varying quality. Therefore, the rarity of fields and special temperature makes saffron a valuable product.

This is why saffron has become eligible for the title of “Red Gold.”

How much is 1g of saffron?

The price of saffron depends on the global supply and demand rate. Iran as the main saffron producer supplies more than 90 percent of the total saffron in the world. Therefore, any changes in Iran’s market, annual production, climate changes, economic crisis, etc. can influence the base price. We listed the factors that influence the saffron price in “Persian Saffron Price; Variable and Influential Factors.” 

With respect to the fact that saffron price is subject to changes at different times of the year and due to many factors, we cannot specifically state how much 1g of saffron is.

To know the latest price, you need to contact SunLand Saffron sales experts for any inquiries.

How rare is saffron?

Saffron is mostly cultivated and produced in Iran for its suitable climate and soil properties. Iran produces more than 90 percent of the global saffron production, which accounts for 350-400 tons. Total global saffron production, Iran’s total plus production volume in other countries, may reach 420-440 tons which is incomparable to the total production of other spices. This production rate is nothing to the total crop of other spices. These statistics prove the claim that saffron is a rare spice. 


Vanilla Spice

Vanilla comes in second place on the list of top valuable spices. Vanilla, originally from Mexico, is cultivated on the Indian Ocean islands, or in huge plantations of Madagascar. 


Cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world. This spice is related to the ginger family and has a fiery flavor. Mainly, some parts of India and Madagascar produce cardamom in two types of black and green. Iranian housewives use cardamom to increase the tea aroma. 


We all know pepper with its spicy flavor. For centuries, this was the most expensive spice, however, now it is changed into a very ordinary spice. Pepper lands were guarded safely until Christopher Columbus found a new continent in which countless new spices were cultivated. This is how pepper lost position one, in terms of value, and was dropped to the fourth position.

God knows when and how saffron loses its first position in terms of value!

5- Cinnamon:


Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia. Many countries use cinnamon in their food and drink recipes to add some additional flavor. For example, some add cinnamon to tea, coffee, wine, and even hot cocoa. This is a very good spice to add, because it adds a new earthy flavor to your dish. Don’t worry, even a pinch of cinnamon can also do the trick.

Buy Persian saffron!

SunLand saffron, as a trusted saffron supplier, produces and exports the most expensive spice in the world, that is saffron. Saffron prices are subject to change; therefore, you need to contact our sales expert to get the latest quote and place your saffron order. If you are not sure how to import bulk saffron, don’t worry. “What to Consider When Ordering Bulk saffron” serves as a guide to help you understand what considerations should be taken into account when importing saffron to your destination. 

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